Dive into a world of multidisciplinary learning with Courtney T. as she navigates through diverse topics in our General Studies Workshops. From critical thinking and problem-solving to effective communication and beyond, these interactive sessions are designed to expand your intellectual horizons. Join Courtney T. for engaging discussions, practical exercises, and valuable insights that will enhance your skills and understanding across various fields. Explore, discuss, and grow with us in these dynamic workshops tailored for curious minds seeking a broader knowledge base.
Monday Workshops with Courtney T.Mykal L2024-05-09T11:49:34-04:00
What does it mean to be “aging solo?” Join this 6-week workshop to find out more!
6-Session Aging Solo WorkshopMykal L2023-10-11T15:18:52-04:00
WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Virtual class links will be sent every Monday and Wednesday. The Around Town DC team will notify you of any schedule changes. Please check your email regularly for the latest updates. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to contact us at Community@iona.org.