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In the fall of 2020, parishioners from St. Columba’s Episcopal Church in upper Northwest DC visited the Undesign the Redline exhibit on display in Columbia, MD. They were deeply affected by the exhibit, astonished that just 5 panels of history, maps, and images could capture devastating local and national stories of housing discrimination by design. The parishioners vowed to do more to tell others about this history. A group formed to research what it would take to bring the exhibit to upper Northwest DC. 

In 2023, St. Columba’s invited other Ward 3 houses of worship to help plan and launch the exhibit as a catalyst for education, conversation, and action to undo the injustices of racial segregation in our neighborhood and beyond.

Free, public events held in connection with the Undesign the Redline exhibit will explore the racial history of upper Northwest DC and create opportunities for community-building and further discussion about how we can take action to repair the breach.

Note: This event happens on different days and multiple sites. This is not an Around Town DC Event. Please follow the below link for the full program schedule:



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