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Join us in a non-judgmental space where people of all backgrounds can discuss death and dying—one of our biggest conversational taboos. Though often feared, this subject can be approached in a safe, friendly, and relaxed setting. The meeting will be informal, insightful, and far from morbid. Everyone is welcome to bring their thoughts, friends, and family. Wheelchair accessible. Intrigued? Come along and remember, talking about death won’t make it happen!

Guided by Dixcy Bosley RN, MSN, FNP

This event has passed.

Register for some of our other events though!

WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Virtual class links will be sent every Monday and Wednesday. The Around Town DC team will notify you of any schedule changes. Please check your email regularly for the latest updates. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to contact us at Community@iona.org.