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Join Beth for a mix of stretching and basic yoga moves at the Adas Israel Congregation.

Beth has been practicing yoga for 20 years and teaching in the DC area for 15. Her classes draw from traditional yoga practices, primarily Sivananda Yoga and Integral Yoga. She has earned her 500 RYT certification from the Yoga Alliance and has recently completed a program in Yoga Therapy. Beth teaches a gentle, traditional yoga practice which promotes mental and physical health and well being. Her class draws from Sivananda and Integral Yoga practices; beginning with a full body warm up, moving into a prescribed series of poses designed to keep the body strong and flexible while encouraging mental calmness and clarity, and ending with a deep final relaxation.

This is not an Around Town DC Program. Please see contact person below:

Samantha Manega | Program Coordinator | Aging In Place
Direct: 301 816 2612 | Fax: 301-770-8741
Smanega@jssa.org | www.jssa.org |

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