Search the Around Town DC Directory for upcoming events and programs.
Gym and Fitness Centers
You might have belonged to a gym at one point in the past. Or maybe you have thought about checking out the fitness center near you, but haven’t. Now might be the time to check out the offerings. Many of the District’s private recreational facilities offer classes and programs for older adults at a discounted rate. See some of these programs below that offer special classes with older adults in mind.
You can also look for them in the Find a Program Page.
- Balance Gym: Foggy Bottom, Thomas Circle, Glover Park
- DC Row: Indoor Rowing Classes
- Boathouses: Thompson’s and Fletcher’s
- Jewish Community Center
- Silver Sneakers
- YMCA Fitness Classes
- Yoga District
Please let us know about any programs we may have missed that are in Ward 2 or Ward 3 or close by. Email: