About This Portal

Frequently Asked Questions2021-02-10T12:18:03-05:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Around Town DC is an online directory that compiles classes, activities, and opportunities that are available in Northwest DC for older adults to enjoy.

Our online directory primarily focuses on activities and classes that take place in Wards 2 and 3 of Northwest DC that would be of interest to older adults.

Wards 2 and 3 Zip Codes include:


If you think your event fits the bill, please let us know by contacting community@iona.org.

Around Town DC compiles programs, events, and activities that relate to wellness, fitness, and recreation. If you’re looking to find a Tai Chi class, discussion group, Lunch & Learn series, or poetry session near you, you’ve come to the right place.

What we don’t list is health and social services. If you’re looking for affordable housing, transportation, nutritional counseling, case management, or other health and social services, Around Town DC is not the best tool for you. Instead, we recommend contacting Iona Senior Services, a local nonprofit with 40+ years of experience (and the organization behind Around Town DC). Staffed by compassionate and knowledgeable social workers and nurses, Iona’s team can answer your questions and make referrals to the services you need, whether at Iona or elsewhere. To get started, contact Iona’s Helpline at (202) 895-9448 or info@iona.org. The Helpline is available every weekday from 9am-5pm.Iona strives to answer all emails and calls within one business day.

A great way to get help or have your questions answered is to call Iona Senior Services’ Helpline at (202) 895-9448 or send an email to info@iona.org. A social worker will respond to your request and help figure out next steps. That service is available Monday-Friday from 9 am-5 pm.

Listed programs are primarily located in Northwest DC, in a variety of locations, including libraries, recreation centers, Iona Senior Services, universities, fitness centers, and more. To find the specific location for an upcoming event, search the directory.  To get a sense of locations in general, visit our Locations Page.

Unlike the other Wards in the District, there is no brick and mortar senior wellness center in Wards 2 and 3. For that reason, we’ve found that many older adults who live in the northwest quadrant of Washington, DC and neighborhoods west of Rock Creek Park have a hard time locating what programs and activities are available to them.

Wanting to address this ongoing challenge, the DC Office on Aging granted funding to Iona Senior services to build Around Town DC to help older adults in Wards 2 and 3 find activities.

Absolutely! While Around Town DC primarily features programs and activities that take place in Wards 2 and 3, anyone can use our site. Keep in mind that some of the events in the directory might have eligibility criteria, which is determined by the sponsoring organization.

Many classes are free, some have a nominal fee. Each sponsoring organization sets the costs. There are also some classes that are funded by the DC Office on Aging, and are offered free of charge. Those classes are designated by the DCOA logo on their event page.

Each class has its own registration process determined by the sponsoring organization. Our search platform will direct you to the sponsoring organization’s information or event page with registration details.

For people who don’t want to use the online directory, or don’t have Internet access, please call (202) 459-9634. Leave a message and your call will be returned within one business day.

We would love to stay in touch with you! Fill out this simple form and we will send you regular eNews with information on upcoming programs and other happenings. By joining Around Town DC’s newsletter, you are also giving permission to the nonprofit Iona Senior Services (which manages Around Town DC) to send you their eNews.

Thanks for letting us know! Please send your changes to community@iona.org and we will coordinate with you to update the listing.

Our snow or emergency policy is that if DC Public Schools are cancelled, then our programs are cancelled for that day. 

If there is a school delay, regularly scheduled classes would begin at 11:00 am. Please consult your local news or the DC Public School weather update.

Around Town DC Rules and Regulations

These Rules and Regulations apply to anyone (staff members, participants, etc.) at any time while participating in Around Town DC (ATDC) programs.

The infractions below are not all inclusive. The steps of progressive discipline applied to violations of the Rules and Regulations include one or more of the following: verbal counseling, writing warning, suspension, and discharge. The appropriate steps depend on the nature and severity of the violation. Direct impact on member and staff safety may result in higher level of discipline.  All criminal activity will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


  1. Single or chronic behaviors deemed by the Program Director to be inappropriate, rude, unprofessional or disrespectful.
  2. Harassing, abusive or coercive behavior, intimidating and/or bullying behavior.
  3. In keeping with the organization’s zero-tolerance of workplace violence, any behavior considered by management to be threatening behavior.
  4. Willful misuse, destruction, theft or damage to individuals or property.
  5. Violation of safety policies and procedures or negligence, which results in personal injury, potential personal injury or damage to equipment.
  6. Gambling on premises; unauthorized collections (including monies) and/or solicitations on the premises.
  7. Theft, fraud or attempted theft or fraud.
  8. Stating racial, ethnic, religious or sexual slurs to any individual.
  9. Using vulgar language, loud conversations, abusive language and profanity in the presence of any individual.
  10. Smoking anywhere within any of the buildings.
  11. Fighting or attempting bodily injury or bodily harm to any individual.
  12. Coming to a program under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any controlled substance, including marijuana, not prescribed by a physician; improper distribution or sale of any intoxicant or controlled substances. Refusal to leave a building at regularly scheduled closing time.
  13. Vandalism or littering in any of the sites or on their grounds.
  14. Lack of personal cleanliness and good hygiene.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Please contact community@iona.org or call (202) 459-9634 if you have additional questions or need other support.

WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Virtual class links will be sent every Monday and Wednesday. The Around Town DC team will notify you of any schedule changes. Please check your email regularly for the latest updates. If you have any questions about a class, feel free to contact us at Community@iona.org.